Bear Began A New Chapter In His Life After 25 Years In The Circus!

by duceditor

All bears should be living their best lives…

Hope he has a great life. He was meant to be free!
A brown bear lives for about 30 years on average. Toshka was im.pris.oned in the circus for 25 years. Almost his whole life!

Finally, after more than 25 years of cap.tiv.ity in the circus, Toshka was sаvеd and released into the habitat where he belonged. He now lives in a wonderful place with other bears who have experienced similar things after spending most of their lives in a small cage. The bear spent most of his life in the circus entertaining humans, so he deserves “retirement”.

In video, Toshka is very pleased with his new home in the woods!

His caretaker said: He was taking a sunbath and he looked so satisfied. Most of his life he was a circus bear, and it was transferred by the last owner to us for rehabilitation and life support.

Initially, He show great vigilance toward people when he first came to the institution. In the first three weeks, he tried to hide in the bushes and avoided all human interaction. But then, he decided to come when he realized that caregivers were there to support and protect him. Now spends almost every day swimming and “tanning” in the sun because he wants attention.

He realizes that the people around him do not intend to ha.rm him; they are simply curious about him!

Their natural habitat in itself presents many challenges for them but man’s cap.tiv.ity and in many cases, cr.uelty are too much for them to adapt to. Animals already contribute their role to nature which we all benefit from.

So happy that the bear can finally enjoy his retirement and be with other bears who have similar captivity backgrounds!

Their natural environment presents numerous challenges, but man’s cap.tiv.ity and, in many cases, cr.uelty are too much for them to adapt to. Animals already contribute their role to nature which we all benefit from.

So relieved that the bear can finally enjoy his retirement and spend time with other bears who have similar cap.tiv.ity histories!
Thank you for letting this bear know freedom and love..

Hope he enjoys the rest of his life! 

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