Bald Eagle successfully released following recovery from collision with car

by duceditor

A juvenile Bald Eagle found in Douglas County has been successfully released back into the wild following its recovery from a collision with a vehicle.

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Officials with Operation Wildlife say that on Tuesday, June 13, they released a juvenile bald eagle that had been found injured in Douglas County in early May. She had been brought to the wildlife rescue by Animal Service Manager Tia Ezell from the Lawrence Humane Society.

Originally, the Douglas Co. Sheriff’s Office said it saved the injured raptor off a rural highway.

Operation Wildlife noted that when the eagle arrived in its care, it could not use its right leg and staff suspected that due to its location, the bird may have been hit by a car. While no fractures were found on the x-ray, muscle and soft tissue damage was identified.

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Rescuers indicated that anti-inflammatory medication and cage rest were prescribed to the injured eagle. Once its regimen was complete, it was moved to a flight pen to see how much use of the leg the critter had regained. It passed the test with flying colors.

Bald Eagle successfully released following recovery from collision with car

As such, Operation Wildlife said it was only fitting that Ezell be given the chance to release the eagle back into the wild on Tuesday.

The juvenile bald eagle shown in the video appears to have dark feathers and dark wings instead of the trademark white head, but that is because young bald eagles start with mostly dark feathers and do not have their distinctive white bald head until adulthood.

This juvenile bald eagle will eventually develop its white feathers as it continues to grow up.

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